Silent betrayal

I finally moved on

This is the kind of lies

I’ve told my bestie couple times ago.

But i told her too that i miss you.


Forget about it

It wasn’t you who I’m doing all this for.

You never chose me

Didn’t you?

I was never the glamorous girl

You’ve been searching for.

I was the stranger you met on the streets

But never remember.

I was that love confession comment

You skip to read another

I was always there

But it seems that i didn’t even matter…

I was there when everyone thought you were happy

But i saw the patterns

I neglected my cracked base

So i can build you up higher

I’ve put you first

I loved you first

But i was just a spotlight

In a crowd full of Lightsabers…


I didn’t even matter…


My bad… 

I loved you with my whole

This why you broke me into pieces

 The selfless love wasn’t your style

Damn You aren’t even that old

To call it a mid-age crisis!!!

 You wanted someone who gives

So you can go and give it to someone else

The love for you is a season

Come and go but never affect your ownself

Do you remember? 

The me who believed your lies once

I even thought it was your favourite book

it turns later it was hers

even the perfume you gifted me

it was her favourite scent

who you were trying to fool…

is it me or her ?

Little did i know It was all lies and masks

But you were always so far from me

To take a closer look

so i let it pass

was it once? nah i am sure it’s not 

Now i know, all our happy moments

were just apologies for the betrayal you couldn’t talk about…

But i miss you 

i miss the old boy 

you were

we had nothing 

not the fancy brands 

you now wear

But we had laughter

like a lot…

we had that true love

people would kill for 

i had you

now you are gone

But you had me 

all along this road …

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